Dodge the Triangles
This Game was made using the visual programming language "Pure Data" and the "Gemma" library.
I made this for my 3rd Year Audio Programming coursework and really enjoyed it as pure data is not really designed for making games so it was quite a challenge to create working game logic.
The Gemma Library is based around making music related applications such as synthesizers, samplers and sequencers, however i decided to take it a new direction and used it as a drawing package for a game made in pure data.
The game has 2 sets of controls, you can either use the buttons at the sides to move side to side to dodge the falling triangles of death, or you can use the pitch of your voice to control your character instead, the higher the pitch the further to the right you will move and the lower the further to the left you will move. The objects on the screen are all rendered by the gemma library and are controlled with logic hidden in the pure data patch and sub patches.
I learned a lot about pure data while making this project as since i was using the "Gemma" library i could only use the vanilla objects, so a lot of the project involved creating objects that are available in the extended version of pure data manually. I would have liked to make the game more graphically appealing however the Gemma library only offered very basic shapes for rendering.